Use "reassess|reassessed|reassesses|reassessing" in a sentence

1. 9 We are continually reassessing the situation.

2. The bank is reassessing its criteria for lending money.

3. The bank is reassessing its Criteria for lending money

4. 14 Reassess your week on Wednesday.

5. Lim also reassessed the possibility of full acknowledgment of Nanyang's university status.

6. 2 The bank is reassessing its criteria for lending money.

7. I will reassess the situation when I get home.

8. We need to reassess our values as a nation.

9. 16 When challenged, it's quick to reassess, adjust, and try again.

10. 13 It is time to reassess your relationship with yourcomputer.

11. 6 So heads are going to have to reassess their role.

12. 2 I will reassess the situation when I get home.

13. 1 We need to reassess our values as a nation.

14. At this time the basal and meal stimulated gastrin concentrations were reassessed as described above.

15. 11 With all these pressures, the managers began to reassess their actions.

16. In that case, you may need to reassess your expectations.

17. Patients classified as having H pylori infection received an eradication regimen; 107 were reassessed 4 weeks after therapy.

18. 7 Terry Donahue should reassess his switch from coaching to broadcasting.

19. 4 Midlife crises are forcing them to reassess and re-prioritize.

20. 3 This has caused us to reassess the way we approach our planning.

21. " Windows 7 upgrades are causing IT departments to reassess their entire desktop infrastructure , " Jefferies said .

22. 21 It is time pull back and reassess all that you have learned lately.

23. 23 However, we will reassess the bearish view if any upmove goes above 00.

24. 5 Reassess your progress and try to make sure your mental body image fits the reality.

25. The Assessor is required to reassess new construction, such as an addition or new structure

26. 20 What is crucial at this time is reassess an earlier situation or decision.

27. 19 I have also begun to reassess my own feelings about being a woman.

28. 18 How then should China reassess its priorities within the global economic system?

29. 17 Other big banks also may need to reassess their CDO holdingslight of Merrill's sale.

30. 28 You owe it to yourself to extract yourself from your present situation and reassess your life.

31. 30 Anything outside that time - frame means you must reassess your position and act decisively.

32. 25 Instead,[] most of the companies have withdrawn from the market to reassess their rates.

33. When we maintain a mild temper even under provocation, dissenters are often moved to reassess their criticisms.

34. It is a time to reassess our lives and examine our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

35. This paper presents new zircon ages and reassesses previously published ones, now refined by the addition of abraded and concordant zircon analyses.

36. 27 Having nursed a certain amount of resentment about his high-handedness, Anne began to reassess.

37. 8 Secondly, the opportunity exists to reassess the rational or political approaches to resource management practice.

38. 29 In “Bigfoot Dreams” (19 a woman loses her job and is forced to reassess her life.

39. What is an Arbitrary assessment? The CRA has wide-reaching powers when it comes to assessing, reassessing and collecting tax debt

40. This book takes the phenomenon of the 2011 uprisings as a point of departure for reassessing Clientelism and patronage across the entire …

41. Antipodes: In Search of the Southern Continent is a new history of an ancient geography.It reassesses the evidence for why Europeans believed a massive southern continent existed, and …

42. “We reassess it as a separate line of evolution, but one which probably Coexisted with the evolution of Homo sapiens,” says Stringer

43. 12 Please could you look into this and reassess the need for parking restrictions on this particular section of the highway.

44. 10 If you would like to reassess your life and learn how to use stress to your advantage, come along.

45. 24 The idea is to ensure an orderly market by giving market participants a cooling-off period with a chance to reassess their positions.

46. 9 These wider changes add to the need to reassess the working relations of the central health care workers - doctors and nurses.

47. The factors that influence the coagulation values and the efficiency of coagulation of insoluble metal salt sols and metal ammine salt sols by precipitating, chelating and neutralising electrolytes are reassessed.

48. Such modern-day reminders that man cannot with impunity flout moral principles are making some thinking people reassess their opinions of sin and accountability to God.

49. Based on both analyses, Buteo is polyphyletic with Leucopternis, Geranoaetus melanoleucus, and ParaButeo unicinctus, suggesting the need to reassess classification of these genera

50. Related to Accessed: reassess, prioritise, thesaurus access to (someone or something) The ability to use or reach something or someone, through any number of means.

51. 26 Doubts have been cast on this interpretation, but insufficient evidence is available to reassess it in terms of the more typical two-phase sequence.

52. Cosmos Crumbling brilliantly reassesses the religious roots of these antebellum reform movements through a series of penetrating profiles of key men and women who sought to remake their worlds in sacred terms

53. Comebacks Comebacks features an all-star cast of ten business leaders who have endured career setbacks--for some a public fall in the midst of extreme media scrutiny--then reassessed and moved ahead with new purpose.

54. 22 “After the 100th episode, they will reassess and reexamine their relationship,” he reveals. “They're going to be going off on a different trajectory than we have been seeing this season.

55. The Mystery of Life’s Origin: Reassessing Current Theories points out that if much free oxygen was present, ‘none of the amino acids could even be formed, and if by some chance they were, they would decompose quickly.’

56. Concentrating on Alcuin's early years in Northumbria and then his time at the Carolingian court, Bullough reassesses the chronology of Alcuin's career and writings, assesses his use of patristic and insular writings, and explores the contemporary significance of his large output

57. The findings mean that companies and government agencies need to reassess how they deal with "Anonymized" data, says Scott Giordano, vice president of data protection, Spirion, a …

58. It examines hagiography, monastic rules and letters, and documentary papyri to reassess the state of the field and to produce a fuller portrait of Anchoritic and semi-Anchoritic female asceticism

59. In view of this gliding mechanism of the subacromial bursa and the coracoid aponeurosis, discovered in the course of our investigations, we have to reassess the kinetics of the sub-acromial and subcoracoid space.

60. When the 62-year-old appeared in court , prosecutors were forced to admit that they were reassessing the strength of the evidence against him - although the charges that he attempted to rape a hotel maid still stand .

61. (a) Upon the application for transfer of ownership of a fleet of vehicles Apportionately registered pursuant to this article, the department shall permit registration in the new owners name without reassessing the registration and vehicle license fees, if the application of the new ownership is for the same fleet interstate operation as the

62. (a) Upon the application for transfer of ownership of a fleet of vehicles Apportionately registered pursuant to this article, the department shall permit registration in the new owners name without reassessing the registration and vehicle license fees, if the application of the new ownership is for the same fleet interstate operation as the previous owner.

63. First, Wilson's use of language Concretizes on stage the richness of what Henry Louis Gates, Jr., calls African American "vernacular, or oral tradition." In his article "The Master's Pieces: On Canon Formation and the African-American Tradition," Gates suggests that to reassess African American literary and cultural achievement is to recognize "the formal relationships that obtain among texts